Day 309: White Gloves by Khruangbin // 5

Image result for khruangbin the universe smiles upon you"
GENRE: indie
I can't quite my finger on why I find this three-piece so alluring. They've got a style to them that evokes a carefree sensibility. That much can be seen in their song, White Gloves. Apparently it's part their first album to feature vocals, and it's a welcome addition to the canvas. No one instrument stands out any farther and more unique than the others. Each instrument is featured and mixed pretty evenly, giving me a sense of noiselessness and soothing comfort.

However, I think part of that plays against their favor. It plays more like a lo-fi ditty than a fully realized song. At about 3 and a half minutes, I would expect a bit more to be fleshed out.

Rating: 5/10


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