Day 268: The Bug Collector by Haley Heynderickx // 6.5

I'm revisiting this particular artist (I'm going to limit my attempts at spelling her name because of how complicated it is) because I really the timbre of her voice. It's got such clarity and sits at the right register in terms of depth, and bass. It's not too breathy, and oozes conviction. I'm also a fan of her choice of instrumentation. It convinces me of her careful and meaningful approach to composition
This one maintains a pretty mellow, more relaxed tone throughout. Supported by what I think is a nylon stringed guitar, and a french horn (?) here and there. The beginning riffs remind me of early Simon & Garfunkel songs, especially with that descending bass note and dominant chords. Nevertheless, you never really get any buildups. It's a like a smooth ride on a highway in Kentucky. No bumps, just road.
Rating: 6.5/10
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