Day 303: Someone That You Love by Yandhi // 7
Like some people, I came to this artist amidst investigating what "Yandhi" was. I thought it was someone featured on Kanye's latest album, but apparently it's an incredibly promising, young, and new artist as well.
I'm not entirely where the artist has contributed because they could be samples for all I know. I think the mixing could be improved a bit, as some of it can feel a bit flat and muted. The vocals could be brought out more and the drums more crisp. The sounds feel a bit too compressed, and considering how floral the singer's voice is, a concomitant backing track is needed.
The jazz background is fantastic; I definitely need to explore more of this type of genre. Of course, people have done it before a la Tyler and Kendrick. I'm excited to see someone else on the playing field as well.
Rating: 7/10
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