Day 297: Man Of Oil by Animal Collective // 7

Ok, so this is one of Panda Bear's projects, and I already know I feel about his work. Sometimes I feel that it can be reaching in terms of how approachable it is. With this one, however, I can sit back and almost zone out. The song is a multi-layered fusion of pop and experimental music.
It begins with a ticking that anchors the entire piece, with a repetitive melodic line in the back. From the ethereal, the piano grounds you with its soft tones and clean chords. The vocals are really clean too, it feels like minimal effects have been added on to alter them. The message of environmentalism, and almost loosely documenting its history stands strong, and you can certainly hear the pain in his voice too. I think that's the most powerful component of the song.
Rating: 7/10
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