Day 280: Satan In The Wait by Daughters // 8

All right, I wasn't really into the song at first. But now, after taking a moment to absorb all it has to offer, I can really see the merit behind this. The song feels like a really disjointed, torn apart interpretation of metal and rock. The singer has no want of a sensible melodic line. All the vocals consist of a frustrated outpouring of emotion and pain. You can really feel that in their voice and slow buildup of the backing tracks. Even with those dissonant and distortion, the song ends up being quite beautiful. The guitar that does shine through is all the more accentuated because of its contrast with the background noise. It's a good thing that the riff itself is quite simple and not overly complicated. That's not what this song is about. And surprisingly, even with it's 7 minutes of unabashed rambunctiousness, nothing seems to drag or get old. I feel like I've found a new favorite sweater.
Rating: 8/10
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