Day 262: Blue World by John Coltrane // 6

Shocking as it may be, this is actually a new song off some unreleased tapes back from 1964. I know very little about John Coltrane, and only know of his influence and grip on the ever-changing jazz genre. His saxophone work is something unique to him; quite frankly, I am not versed in jazz theory enough to truly understand the minute details that go into this song.
What I can say though, is that it's jazz. Well, a little more than that. The backing harmony has a well structured rhythm. I would need a jazz chart to really look into the chord progression though. The sax work itself, I can't comment other than the fact that there is some thematic riffing here and there. I guess I can't truly appreciate the work unless I'm really in the moment and experiencing it first hand with my own instrument. There are a tone of improvisational riffs delving into really atonal, experimental territory, but that's Coltrane I guess.
Rating: 6/10
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