Day 247: A Fool Moon Night by THE KOXX // 7.5

Image result for a fool moon nightGENRE: alternative rock 
This hasn't happened before but I basically pulled this song from a Guitar Hero stream. It's an old song, but damn if it have a unique sound to it. Harmonics are fun now and then, but this song makes it work a main component of the instrumentation. The bass line is simplistic and one-note. I would enjoy something with more momentum to match the tone of the rest of the song though. The singing is meh. It doesn't strike me as anything out of the ordinary. The spotlight is rather on the rest of the band, because they have some pretty cool breaks in between the verses, ESPECIALLY at 3:20 ish. I am absolutely a stan for syncopated sections like. It's just so fun to groove to. I mean, I got to give it a high rating just for that daring move.

Rating: 7.5/10


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