Day 238: Always Gonna Be a Ho by Steel Panther // 7

They are such a fun band to listen to. They've really tapped into their potential market and ran away with it. Satirizing 80's hair metal and doing such a good job at it that you could almost say that they've become the thing they've mocked. Their first album was undeniably their best album. It's been a while since I've listened to a song as good Asian Hooker, so let's see if their most recent release holds a candle to that.
I think their most amazing feature is their lyrical prowess. Combining comedy and blunt, vulgar phrases makes for a really catchy and memorable song. I mean, the title says it all. This is one of those songs that gets played to a large concert audience. I can just see it. If it weren't for a lyrics, it could easily by a Bon Jovi song, don't you think? Maybe Steel Panther is just that good. And truly, they are. Time to go see them live!
Rating: 7/10
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