Day 222: Runaway by Del Shannon // 6

Image result for del shannon runawayGENRE: rock 
I was feeling the 60's surf rock, and I tracked a song from The Ventures' cover all the way back to the original. People just don't sing like this anymore. Matter of fact, I don't know if I really have a preference. It's just quirky and fun to listen to. The song in general is quite upbeat! You've got horns every now and then, with a prancing piano part. I think the solo is some kind of synth? Of course, the one part that's most memorable is Del Shannon's descending chorus. But just like that, the song is over; it's short and sweet. Was this considered too aggressive for back then? Did the old people back then enjoy this? It certainly seems something for the teens of that age. Either way, it feels like no one else but those from that time are still listening to stuff like this. Good thing I've found it before it sunk to the bottomless depths of obscurity. 

Rating: 6/10 


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