Day 211: My Hero by Foo Fighters // 6.5

With the wide variety of music we listen to nowadays, not a lot of people stay as consistent to a genre as much as Foo Fighters do. If you were to look in the dictionary for the definition of rock, you'd find a picture them (maybe, it's just a joke after all).
They have a knack for writing melodies, especially in this piece. Paired for Dave Grohl's grungy, raspy, fierce voice, and you've got a unique sound that has understandably spanned the past three decades. The lyrics are a bit on the simpler side, but this song is supposed to be more like an anthem than anything. And honestly, they don't need to change much to this song. It's just simple and well-written for the style that it's shooting for. Although, it is a bit slower for my tastes.
Rating: 6.5/10
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