Day 204: Paperback Writer by The Beatles // 7

Well, writing about the Beatles on here would be a bit of a bore given how big they are. But alas, considering the breadth of their discography, there's no doubt there are songs out there that I don't know of.
I swear I've heard this one before (especially the chorus), but I guess I never knew the actual name or words, so I'm going to let it slide. It's pretty catchy, and takes the form of some of their most popular rock songs. Instead of being about loving you, this time it's about surviving the meager life of a writer. Some things don't change, don't they? The best thing about this song is that it doesn't drag on more than it needs to. With tiny nuances here and there, it's a rock song that has the appearance of a song more complex than it really is. Beatles formula with a twist.
Rating: 7/10
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