Day 197: The Dots by ALASKALASKA // 7.5

Ok, this is blatant cheating in a way, but I couldn't resist putting up another ALASKALASKA song, even from the same album. They're just so good and creative and fresh, at least in my opinion.
Again, off their latest album, this eponymous song features a different color palette from Monster. You get this wooden mallet arpeggio going throughout the song. Everything just builds up from there, with the ethereal, floaty vocals, and various synth effects that weave in and out through the verse. That's cool and all, but man that chorus is something else. It's a mirrored rhythmic pattern (2 half notes, 4 quart notes, 2 half notes), but it feels oddly syncopated due to the melodic steps taken throughout. I absolutely love the use of jazz influences in this song; the saxophones add a layer of warmth that just fits their more experimental style. They just know how to make a good song without sticking to what's currently out there. Just, quality and honesty creativity and attention to detail.
Rating: 7.5/10
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