Day 176: I Wanna Be Your Boyfriend by The Ramones // 8

After watching Spiderman: Far From Home, I'm coming off a high that I'll be chasing for a while. I'll try to keep spoilers to a minimum, but this song is in there. If you didn't know already, the movie is heavily centered around Peter's romance with MJ. Of course, Marvel always seems to know the right songs to put in a movie. Charming as ever, the Ramones are included in the movie to punctuate a montage in the movie, and I think it's disgustingly cute. It makes you reminisce of that unstoppable feeling of teenage romance. Of course, wanting to relive it is just looking at the past with rose-tinted glasses. That's why we have movies instead of actually emulating that past.
The song is simple. A few basic chords here and there, chorus, bridge, you get the deal. The lyrics aren't too compelling either, but sometimes less is more. The message is clear-cut. It helps that the melody is catchy and easy to follow along with. Unlike most of their other work, the tempo is slower as well, and definitely helps to distinguish this piece from the others.
Rating: 8/10
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