Day 134: Dust by Mini Blinds // 5

One of the smallest bands I've heard, Mini Blinds seem like a fun little group with their own distinct charm. Dust is currently their most popular song off their most recent, eponymous EP.
The instrumentation itself consists of little more than a synth, a drumset, and some guitars. The vocal performance itself could be considered quite minimalist as well, offering very few lyrics and seemingly stagnant melodic lines. It's all supposed to be dreamy in the first place, so I can understand the musical rationale for putting forward this type of minimalism. I do appreciate the second voicing in the ending that at least builds upon the story being presented.
Unfortunately, while I do know that it's supposed be quite subdued and low to the ground, there just isn't enough contextual relationships that keep it interesting for me.
Rating: 5/10
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