Day 127: CALL ME by park hye jin // 6.5

Again, just one of the smaller artists that I think is important to support. She does it all, producing the beats, putting together a cultural blend of lyrics, and overall composing a coherent piece that would fit at a post-electronic club.
This song in particular is pretty representative of the rest of her music, inducing dream-like stances and daygazing atmospheres. The somber piano riff loops without getting too repetitive, and usually I'm not a fan of that type of musical
technique. It's the right amount of busy when it comes to listening on repeat. Her singing and rapping don't get in the way either, and really they don't get featured at all if anything. The entire piece feels like a melting pot of ideas and contemplative emotions. Overall, it's certainly not something to really dive into. It would likely fit in the "chill lo-fi beats to study/sleep to".
Rating 6.5/10
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