Day 126: Hold Out by Reign of Kindo // 8.5

In my jam sessions, it's been really neat to get a mixture of musical tastes as suggestions and recommendations. One song that stood out to me is this band, This Reign of Kindo, which seems like a hardcore, mysterious rock band that is equally as interesting as their name implies.
Apparently there's like many musicians, and all their contributions to the song itself injects an infectious energy that carries the song forward. You've got a harmonious melding of pianos, guitars, basses, and various percussive instruments in addition to a drum set. They sound like Dave Mathews if they took some extra drugs. The singer himself is incredibly talented. His cleans are something to really envy. Still, my favorite part is the hyperactive percussion section. You've got congas, timbales, all the works. Even with the symphony of instruments, their sound is satisfyingly tight and focused.
Rating: 8.5/10
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