Day 119: Kodokunohastumei by toe // 5.5

I've actually seen this band recommended to me, but I just brushed it off because I was a bit tired of the timbre associated with progressive rock and such.
Now's a good time as any to revisit the genre, and I can't describe how I feel as anything but poignant. I've heard great things about this band, and this is one of their more popular songs, but I can't help but feel a certain staleness to the musical depth of the piece. I can certainly understand the complexity inherent in the individual instruments, especially the drums. The guitar parts themselves play off each other quite a bit, which makes for interesting listens, but the constant barrage of arpeggios certainly gets tiring after awhile, making for a rather amorphous blob of chords and melodic lines, with no distinguishable features. I could say that I'm just not in the mood, because I can definitely see this as more of a background song, but that would be disingenuous towards my own feelings about the song. The album cover is cute though :)
Rating: 5.5/10
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