Day 113: See You Again 電影 <聲之形> 主題曲 by Leah Dou // 8.5

Image result for see you again leah douGENRE: acoustic, soft rock
I can't remember how I discovered this person, but I'm so glad I did. She's a Chinese artist that mainly sings in English. Even more, I just found out that she's the daughter of Faye Wong, which is even cooler considering that Faye is the premiere artist featured on Final Fantasy VIII's soundtrack.

I've been listening to a lot of Leah's work, and I have such a huge appreciation for how different her songs are from song to song. Sometimes, she incorporates a more funky and poppy influence, as seen in My Days, or a more experimental approach as seen in A swim in the love that you give me. Not only does that speak to the creative juices that flow in her head, but also serves as a testament of making music for music's sake. No matter the medium, her message can be disseminated. I'll admit, because with other artists I can get fatigued by just how their styles stagnate over the course of their career. David Bowie is one analog for an artist that refused to do that. If Leah can keep up the surprises, I think she'll mark her place in my books as one of my more favorable artists.

I had a hard time choosing one song to present in this post, as you can see. I decided to go with See You Again because it features one of the weirdest, delightful, quirky riffs that I've heard in a while. The verse and general atmosphere is vulnerable, featuring nearly nothing except her voice and a guitar. It's when that weird synth and drums kick in that immediately caught my attention and adoration. It's just so weird, and almost out of place. But, I like it. It sounds like one of those traditional Chinese instruments (an erhu?) put through a filter, giving it a hybrid feel. At least, that's what it sounds like to me. Well, if you couldn't already tell, I am a stan for this song.

Rating:  8.5/10


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