Day 104: Swimming by Lunar Vacation // 8

Image result for lunar vacation swellGENRE: indie
root beer
Sometimes, Spotify just seems to know what exactly I want to hear. Their song recommendations, although often off the mark, can sometimes hit the bullseye.

In what seems to be a shallow pool, the quality and cleanliness of the pool is worth taking a gander. Lunar Vacation's discography is humble, but their commitment to their style and sound makes them worth the listen. Of course, this is dependent on your tastes. For me personally, the level of their music theory, the lyrical content, and the overall mood is something that resonates with me. With respect to an earlier post about Babehoven's "Out of this Country", it's a more colorful depiction in the same style.

The title itself is fitting. The lethargic, clean guitar work makes you just want to drift around. The chords themselves could be described as contemplative as well. Seemingly on that same train of thought, the chord progression lends itself to that mindless wander as well, switching between the I and IV throughout. Thumbs up from me, and thumbs up from the future me when I eventually go through their work.

Rating: 8/10


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