Day 101: The Less I Know The Better by Tame Impala //

Image result for tame impala the less i know the betterGENRE: rock
snack: Ore-O's are back baby
To your surprise, I haven't ever listened to Tame Impala. I literally know nothing about them, other than that they are a pretty big group.

Here it goes with one of their most famous songs. In fact, I actually recognize the riff, and without a doubt it's one of the coolest licks I've heard. So much so, that I think it's nearly impossible to follow up on it. In fact, I feel that the verses and vocal performances just don't do it quite the justice it deserves.

Yet, I know that if I listen to the riff over and over I'll hate it eventually. So, let's just appreciate it for what it is now. What I like most about this song in general is its intentional and clever use of a wide spectrum of instruments and tones. There's plenty of small quips and phrases that make their appearance throughout. No matter what, the main riff stays present.

At the surface, it appears to be pretty simple, but a deeper look is warranted given how elaborate and decorated the song actually is. Well, I guess I'm looking for more Tame Impala now.

Rating: 8/10


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