Day 63: Ultimate by Denzel Curry // 8.5

Image result for ultimate denzel currygenre: rap, hip-hop
Holy, when I first heard this song I knew I had to write about it. It's the one meme song. I only found out about Denzel Curry from his cover of RATM's Bulls on Parade, which is a piece of work in of itself. Exploring the slightest bit, I come upon his most famous song, Ultimate. Upon a further listen, I realize it's that one song I never found the name of. It's one of, if not, the most hype song I can think of within it's genre. The hard party beat is top-notch, but the reason why I want to highlight Denzel is his lyrical finesse. With songs like these, the lyrics tend to be on the simpler, unintelligent side of things. Denzel seeks a level beyond that, incorporating passionate and meaningful, mature lyrics into what would be played at a club. That sheer juxtaposition is the stuff I crave in an artist. I'm going to be on the lookout for more.

Rating: 8.5/10


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