Day 52: The Leap by Our Last Night // 6

Hey, what a surprise. I swear Our Last Night must have released this song today, because I haven't heard anything from them in a long time, let alone originals. As far as I know, it's an original.
I tend to dislike this genre, owing to the men who sound like angsty boys in their tight af jeans. Our Last Night is a weird exception; their talent is evident. Their singing prowess is twofold, and their drummer is a monster. Unfortunately, I am most fond of their work when it concerns covers of popular pop songs. They add such a distinct attitude and aggressive passion into the song that might not otherwise have been explored. Their originals don't seem to do it for me though. The lyrics kind of just fall flat, verging on the edge of cheesy. The instrumental work is impressive though, and the singing itself is stellar as usual. I just wish their lyrics had a better cadence or complexity to them.
Rating: 6/10
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