Day 51: All Yours / All Mine by Sunbathe // 8

Branching off of yesterday's post comes a song that grew on me. I was really feeling the mood that All Yours/All Mine was giving off. The song encapsulates the atmosphere of their band name. Listening to this just makes me want to lounge about, lethargic, relaxed, and at peace. The sun-drenched guitar leads, the composition of the drums, and the particular attitude of the singer all blend to form a picturesque vision of complacency. Although this song may seem outdated (almost anachronistic), it is nevertheless well-written and performed. I think this song fits well into my day-to-day, especially with how calm it is compared to the other songs I've been writing about. I'm interested to find more from them, because they seem to be on the up and coming. Although there's nothing groundbreaking with the particular song, it hits its strong points with finesse and honesty. That's the kind of music I'd like to see more of nowadays.
Rating: 8/10
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