Day 49: Late Night Voyages by Guilty Ghosts // 6.5

snack: gardettos
Taking a step back, we look at something more calm and serendipitous. I want to take a look at this song from the context of what it is trying to achieve. It's not meant to develop all too much throughout the song, much less embrace a melody or larger song structure. Personally, I think some songs can do it well. Late Night Voyages in my mind conveys a luminescent, coherent soundscape. It never traverses strays too far from the working formula, and adds tinges of instrumental artistry to further the vision. Honestly, it's just a background song. I shouldn't be diving too deep into it. For lack of a comparison, it gives strong vibes of Pink Floyd's Dark Side of the Moon. Knowing me, that's a good thing.
Rating: 6.5
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