Day 39: Toast in my Mouth by Carpool Party // 5.5

Image result for toast in my mouth carpoolpartygenre: pop
food: strawberry popsicle
Even having listened to them before, I'm still so conflicted about how I feel about this band. Their aesthetic is unique I guess, but something in me can't get over the unironic, unapologetic weeb culture. It's not that I hate it, I just don't relate with being on that level. Definitely check out their other song, I Don't Care Where I Belong. I wish they made more stuff like that. 

This newest song takes hints from it, but strays a little too far from God's light. I enjoy almost exactly half of the song, specifically the chorus (if you could even call it that). Something about their music that I can only faintly describe is the way their lyrics flow. It feels like the melody was written before lyrics were added (probably explains the song title to be honest). And no to the rap. It doesn't take away from the song, but really doesn't add much to it. 

Rating: 5.5/10


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