Day 17: In The Shadow of Our Pale Companion by Agalloch // 9
drink: strawberry and banana smoothie
Moving on with the album, here is a song that's a real kicker. Listening to this is like taking a big bite out of the album. With this particular song, you can definitely see the similarities with Godspeed You! Black Emperor. And as such, really best way to listen to this song is to divert attention away from other distractions and experience it.
Nonetheless, it has its own place. Firstly, the timpani's back! Good ol' timpani. I wonder if that'll be a continuing theme throughout the album. Moreover, melodic lines throughout the song build upon and vary the phrase from the timpani.
Two minutes into the song, I was pretty caught off-guard, because until now I haven't heard a single word from the band. I hate to say it, but I'm not a fan of a majority of screamo. I understand it's place, but for me it has to have a particular flair to it. Luckily for Agalloch, I find it pretty tasteful! But wait, that's not all, the cleans are on point as well. That's when you can tell a metal band is special.
Six minutes in, the pace starts picking up. The distorted rhythm guitar mimics Movement 2 of Beethoven's Moonlight Sonata, and the acoustic guitar dresses up song with articulate melodies. Eight minutes in, we see someone using the phaser effect for a guitar. I can't really recall the last time I've heard that in a song. I always considered to be just a child's plaything on a beginner amp (which includes me). It reminds me why they're considered a bit more experimental. I hear they've played live with deer skulls?
(10:22) Now we're starting to gallop. The tempo is rising. One thing, the rhythm guitar varies the beginning riff at the start of each section. It ties together the whole song as one complete concept. Here is where I think the song builds a rising tension. Topped off with a clean sweeping arpeggio, we arrive towards the ending chorus.
And with the journey over, we slow down, and are given some time to reflect on it. Starting to love this album.
Rating: 9/10
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