Day 5: Finger by Elephant Gym // 8.5

Image result for elephant gym finger

genre: math rock

I randomly came upon this piece through a Youtube binge. My, my was it a good pick. 

Too infrequently do I feel so elevated after listening to a song like this. It lifts you up and takes you to a different place emotionally. If you couldn't tell, I'm definitely biased towards these types of songs, especially within the math rock genre. Listening to this piece opened my eyes (I guess I should say ears) to what I really preferred in a song. When asked about my music tastes, I would often claim that I listen to all types of music. To some extent that statement holds true. But after listening to this piece, I can confidently say that this is my type. 

Enough of that for now. The piece itself has what I think one of the most memorable, enchanting riffs as its introduction. If it means anything to you, I immediately picked up my guitar and began to sound it out before I even finished the song. And in general, having the bass guitar be the main feature is always a fun twist. To add to it, the bass riff underlying the brilliant guitar chords is probably my second favorite part of the piece (with the intro being the first of course). Plus one for bass guitars, because I love syncopated shit like that. Not only does it drive the section, it just makes playing the piece that much more fun. 

On a macro-scale, the chord structure remains rigid and practically unchanging, oscillating between a I and V chord. Although simple, I'd love for it to take this idea and run away with it. With such an interesting and captivating intro, the "chorus" does little to add to the already dynamically charged piece. 

Still, the piece holds a special place in my heart. Together with the crisp tone and delicate articulation of the guitarists, this piece makes for a good pick-me-up (especially when it's within my ability to play it). This band is definitely something to look out for, especially live. Just take a listen/look. 

Rating: 8.5/10


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