Day 4: Damn by Mike Corrado Band // 5
This is the most popular piece from a small artist. If you like Dave Matthews, this might be up your alley.
For the most part, I like that the song is coherent and checks the boxes for having a verse, a chorus, another verse, a bridge, etc. Better yet, there's a natural progression in this song that leads to the exciting climax. Whether it's adding more percussion, or an alto saxophone, there's a steady build up that I think adds a lot of replay value, as I think there quite a few nuances to each component.
However, there's not quite enough to keep the song interesting to me. If you weren't paying attention, you might not be able to tell that you were in the chorus. The apparent lack of emotion behind the singer's voice throughout the verses and choruses don't help either. The chorus just doesn't add much value to the song as a whole due to its lack of dynamic contrast, which is sad because I particularly enjoyed the ending section.
For the most part, I like that the song is coherent and checks the boxes for having a verse, a chorus, another verse, a bridge, etc. Better yet, there's a natural progression in this song that leads to the exciting climax. Whether it's adding more percussion, or an alto saxophone, there's a steady build up that I think adds a lot of replay value, as I think there quite a few nuances to each component.
However, there's not quite enough to keep the song interesting to me. If you weren't paying attention, you might not be able to tell that you were in the chorus. The apparent lack of emotion behind the singer's voice throughout the verses and choruses don't help either. The chorus just doesn't add much value to the song as a whole due to its lack of dynamic contrast, which is sad because I particularly enjoyed the ending section.
Another component that held me back from giving the song a better rating is the repetitive, almost nauseating guitar harmony. It was nice at first, but it definitely overstays its welcome. I don't know, maybe that's just me.
Rating: 5/10
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