Day 8: Beach Life-In-Death by Car Seat Headrest // 8.5

genre: indie
drink: Swiss Miss Hot Chocolate

Again, playing around with the format here. Video at the bottom. This suggestion comes from Kevin Tan of Vinke's World (Day 3).

K: Singer/Songwriter Will Toledo is becoming one of the indie genre's fastest rising stars. Coming from humble backgrounds (the band's name is an homage to when he used to record songs in his mom's van in empty parking lots), his songwriting and themes are anything but simple. Most of his songs revolve around the theme of depression, loss of religion/faith, "friends," etc. This song in particular, if i were to sum it up, is a song about depression through his homosexuality.

There's so much to unpack with this one that I think it's for the best if I pick out the parts that I think are most important to me. Much like the issues that the song's speaker experiences, the song itself juxtaposes coherent tidbits with manic, unbridled, and vulnerable pleas (emphasis on vulnerable). I listened to the song and followed along with the lyrics. His technique of twisting parallel phrases in his lyrics and metaphors is incredibly poignant and poetic. I have a feeling that long-time listeners understand him way more than I would, but nonetheless I find that this song is reeks of something special. Style-wise, it helps that I picked up hints of many other bands that I really enjoy (Neon Trees, David Bowie).

In general, the way the song is performed is messy and raw (listen to literally the first second), and I definitely think this is intentional and contributes to the character and charm of the song. I'm not sure if this is just what Car Seat Headrest sounds like, but I can see why people would enjoy it. It comes across as more personal and totally fits the material. In my opinion, the song is an account of an obsessive, self-destructive youth struggling with anxiety and depression. Even though they yearn for change, even if they act on it, the incapability of feeling validated leaves them questioning the futility of it all. The cycle then repeats, and we get this song. Sit tight and buckle in is all I should really say, because it's quite a ride.

Rating: 8.5/10


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