Day 288: Faithfully by Journey // 7.5

Related imageGENRE: slow rock
It's been long time since I've listened to something quite as grand as this. With the reverb, I can definitely tell that this was written for a gigantic crowd in a stadium arena. You can almost see the thousands of flickers of zippos and lighters across a raven black sea of bodies. Compared the previous song by Stevie Nicks, this has much more cheesy chords, riffs, and lyrics. But, they do it so well that it ends up in their favor. When you want to take a dive back into the 80's, I can't help but see this song taking its rightful place. You've got a sonic, tasteful solo befitting of its genre, Steve Perry (of course), and piercing synth sounds typical of the Journey style.

Rating: 8/10


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