Day 256: Mini Ripper by Strawberry Girls // 8

Lately, I've been pretty disappointed by Strawberry Girls. Their most recent works haven't had quite the punch their older songs had. This one is more in the right direction though. You still have the flowery riffs in the intro, but with the sixteenth note snare patterns entering in, I knew immediately that this was going somewhere. The jump into a melodic minor scale was the right choice. I guess that's why they called it Mini Ripper. The syncopated riffs are back in action too, especially when Ben Rosett gets to work his magic. Before we get back to that intro riff, we get a development section too. Honestly, for my tastes, it's a leaning a little on the too poppy side. I personally enjoy their more unapologetic thrashing riffs that retain a small sense of finesse. I just wish we got more of it.
Rating: 8/10
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