Day 153: Distant Solar Systems by Julien Baker // 7.5

Image result for distant solar systems julien bakerGENRE: indie
A name that I've seen fly by during my stint with Phoebe Bridgers' music, Julien Baker is apparently incredibly popular among the same crowd. You get a similar vibe with this song from her. This particular song was written earlier in her career, so I won't be base my entire opinion of her on this nascent work. 

Isolated and vulnerable, this song is really just her voice, her accompanying harmonies, and her guitar. Arpeggios up and down the relevant chord progression are the name of the game with this genre. One of my favorite components this song is the rhythmic motif of the dotted eighths throughout the verse. It carries the piece quite well, and gives it the little kick it needs to be interesting and slightly more upbeat. Similar nuances ingrain depth and appreciation for her work. She's got my vote.

Rating: 7.5/10


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