Day 98: Take My Breath Away by Berlin // 8

Now, when I said "Bette Davis Eyes" was one of the quintessential 80's songs, I was slightly fibbing. This is what the 80's sounds like. To be honest, I might find an even more fitting song in the future.
The similarities are apparent. The synth plays an integral part is defining the identity of the song. At first, it sounds a bit off too. The riff is in Eb major, but there's nothing off-kilter here. Perhaps it's the vibratory, phaser effect being added that makes it seem a little weird. That's definitely not a bad thing either, because it really adds to the charm of the piece. I'm also a fan of key changes, which occurs a little more than halfway through the song. When done right, they add a lot to the theatrical and thematic message of the song.
Now, if it wasn't convincing enough, it's one of the themes for Top Gun. I can't say much more to make the case. It may not mirror the love songs of today, but that's what makes it special.
Rating: 8/10
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