Day 95: Boy With Luv (feat. Halsey) by BTS // 8

Heard it on a radio, where my Uber drive was catering to the youth. So why not? I've listened to some BTS by osmosis. My sister is a fanatic, probably the biggest one I know. This song features Halsey, but honestly I don't think I've ever listened to Halsey, so I'm not even entirely sure where she is featured.
Either way, as with most kpop, you get catchy melodies present in the accompanying instruments. With modern pop, you get a very common rhythmic theme. The double consecutive sixteenth note hits have shown up everywhere. Just look up Adam Neely's video on it (no link provided). And for that, it makes me think that their music is as manufactured as ever. I guess I shouldn't be surprised. Their music is catchy and a good listen, but it's more their personality that sells.
It's perhaps this common structure of BTS's music that has desensitized me to this style of music. For better or worse, it will still grab a hold on young teenagers everywhere.
Rating: 8/10
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