Day 84: passionfruit by Yaeji // 5

SNACK: chocolate dipped coconut frozen bar
Well, I guess this is a two-for, because I didn't realize this was a remix of an already-existing song by Drake. So, to get some context and give the current song the proper respect, I listened to both.
In my opinion, Yaeji's version takes a more minimalist, timid approach with its softer synths and percussion. I don't quite agree with the artistic choice of changing the underlying harmony. For that matter, I enjoy Drake's beat a bit more. In general, Drake has a more coherent structure, with intermissions by other artists to break up the song and create a narrative. Yaeji takes all the juicy parts of the song, dials it down, and really only preserves the verses and melody. Even then, the melody isn't quite particularly interesting. Unfortunately, it then repeats ad libitum.
Not quite compelling, but it's easy on the ears and definitely something to pass the time in the background.
Rating: 5/10
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