Day 110: Christmas Song by Phoebe Bridgers // 7.5

Sorry to break it to you, but I just can't not write about the stuff I find from Phoebe Bridgers. Her stuff strikes an emotional core that doesn't get enough attention.
Now, I don't know the entirety of the context behind the song, but you can tell that there's a shift in the warmth of the overall timbre of the song. From the instrumentation to the mixing, there's a homely feeling to the overall production. Again, Phoebe isn't too keen on making the backing tracks too complicated, usually consists of light, airy chords and melodies.
It's really her voice that carries the bulk of her work. And that I can live with. I don't think I'd really have it any other way. Christmas Song is just another example of the depth of her genre.
Rating: 7.5/10
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