Day 50: Ocean Plastic by Deathlist // 7.5

Image result for ocean plastic deathlistgenre: grief punk
Wow, we're hitting the 50 day mark! By now it's kind of a habit, even though the quality wavers immensely

One of the more obscure finds of recent, I really dig the tone of the instruments, and just how elevated the riffs are. I'm a fan of these arpeggios, especially how they're highlighted in the song. They don't always fit within the predetermined scale either, with accidentals being thrown in every now and then. The guitars walk about with a groveling underbelly. Each note has just a bit more oomph to it, owing to the mirrored bass and lead electric guitar. I don't know even know if you can call it a typical lead guitar. The tone is distorted in a pleasing way, with a tinge of lo-fi and acoustic to it. The singer is such a good fit for the song, considering the style and the material. It brings me vibes of the underground rock from the 90's, with blends of other genres in there too. It's kind of a mishmash of many things, and I like it all the more for that. 

Rating: 7.5/10


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