Day 2: Telephone Line by Electric Light Orchestra // 9
Telephone Line by Electric Light Orchestra
genre: rock
Don't have much time today due to the work I have, but I was recommended this song.
Personally, I haven't listened too much of ELO, but I've always enjoyed their music. Their melodies are so enchanting, and that story remains the same with this song I've never heard before. Man, I really should look into their music more. I've only ever listened to them in passing on my typical radio stations.
Released in 1976, the song itself gives me a late-era Beatles vibe, especially with it's emphatic, grand orchestral (it's in the name of course) voices mixed with ELO's distinct choir. As per usual, the lyrics and movement of the melody is both catchy and emotional. Not quite as complex as yesterday's song, but sometimes less is more. This will definitely be on my mind for awhile; that's not a bad thing either. Instant classic. My only gripe is that I hoped the piano would have a bigger role instead of simple quarter-note chords. Even the strings have runs. Put some spice on that!
Rating: 9/10
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